Christophe Blain visits our site:

A fresh interview introducing 

"Amertume Apache"

Blueberry new adventure: Amertume Apache

The new Lieutenant Blueberry adventure has finally reached the bookstores, under the title of "Amertume Apache", with a great reception among the fans of the series. Subtle, fresh, exciting, captures that essence of the main adventures by Charlier and Giraud that made Lieutenant Blueberry unique, someone that captivates you from the very beggining.

Born in 1970 in Argenteuil (France), Christophe is credited in drawings and writing in a big amount of comics, and has been awarded prestigious prizes (Angouleme 2000 as best debut album and 2002 - 2013 as best album, amongst others...).

 Christophe Blain.

Great debut following the publication of "Le reducteur de vitesse" in 1999, Blain reveals himself to the general public by illustrating the first four albums of Donjon Potron-Minet (1999-2006) on scenarios by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim.

Donjon Potron-Minet, art by C. Blain

He confirmed expectations with Isaac the pirate (2001-2005). In 2010-2011, the two volumes of Quai d'Orsay, very well received by the critics, experienced an unexpected enthusiasm. They are inspired by life in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when Dominique de Villepin was minister there, according to the memories of one of his close collaborators.

Isaac le pirate, by C. Blain 

This is Christophe Blain answering our quick interview:

- The Blueberry Encyclopaedia (TBE): How did you experience the process of creating the album, adding (maybe) the pressure of creating a new album of an iconic character like Lieutenant Blueberry?

Blain: We did a lot of work. We didn’t hesitate to start over with the things we didn't like.

Art by Christophe Blain

- TBE:  Why did you picked the timing of the adventure on Fort Navajo era and not at another time? 

Blain: Because we wanted to show Blueberry when he was still in the army. We wanted to show him as a soldier, with the constraints of duty and his professionalism.

- TBE: How was the coordination with Johan Sfar in this adventure?

Blain: Joann wrote a first version of the story which I then rewrote and completely cut out. I also rewrote the most part of the dialogues and invented new characters. But the basic idea of the story comes from Joann.

Art by Christophe Blain

- TBE: Do you think you could continue the series, or does the tribute project end with these two albums?

Blain: We do not know for the moment, we shall see...

- TBE: What were the main influences that helped you in finding and developing characters and places for this album?

Blain:   A lot of films. Ulzana’s raid (Aldrich, with Burt Lancaster), A distant trumpet (Raoul Walsh), She wore a yellow ribbon (John Ford, starring John Wayne), Le voleur (Malle, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo), Hostiles (Scott Cooper). I got inspiration from many actors to draw the characters: Woody Strode, Charles Denner, Richard Harris, Claudia Cardinale, Lee J Cobb, RG Armstrong, Joaquin Martinez , Brigitte Bardot...

I also used a lot of my personal documentation, drawings and photos made during my travels to the West of the United States.

Art by Christophe Blain

- TBE: Can you give us a little advance (without spoilers) on the second album's  schedule, and a release date?

Blain: It will be a dark album that will be released as soon as possible. But I cannot give a precise date yet.

- TBE: How would you rate the reception of the album among fans?

Blain: The album had an excellent reception in the press and it works very well in bookstores. Sales are very good. Disappointed fans are just a few.

Christophe, from the Blueberry Encyclopaedia we thank you very much for this collaboration with our humble blog and wish you the best of luck in upcoming projects. It has been an honor having you here.